rates of return

美 [reɪts əv rɪˈtɜːrn]英 [reɪts ɒv rɪˈtɜːn]
  • n.收益率;回报率
  • rate of return的复数
rates of returnrates of return
  1. High rates of return can be earned on these investments .


  2. At the same time project a project still show high rates of return .


  3. Rates of Return to Human Capital in Europe : A Literature Review


  4. This is fair and should deliver high rates of return .


  5. Rates of Return to Schooling in Urban China : Changes in the 1990s


  6. In both cases rates of return rose .


  7. You may ask why we look back over such a long period to measure average rates of return .


  8. One reason is to enable you to look through calculations of projected internal rates of return .


  9. Gives the real estate portfolio real estate project selection formulas and rates of return to determine risk factor .


  10. Priced correctly , they could have high rates of return for the holders of the securities .


  11. Global markets are interrelated and money is constantly seeking the best risk-adjusted rates of return .


  12. This is because the rates of return on most systems tend to regress to the mean .


  13. Rates of return on commercial property and infrastructure , and cash flows for developers and local government , have been deteriorating .


  14. This works well when prices are rising , and it allows developers to earn huge rates of return on their investments .


  15. If they think that might be the case , they will demand higher interest rates of return before forking over their wealth .


  16. But the biggest difficulty here is that past pension promises were based on unrealistic assessments of long-term real rates of return .


  17. Many life insurers , including Nan Shan , are now losing money on Investment-linked policies with high guaranteed rates of return .


  18. The chance constraint and the VaR constraint are constructed respectively according to the prespecified expected rates of return and confidence level .


  19. The weaknesses of the income approach are : Cannot segregate specific assets ; Subjectivity of income projections and rates of return .


  20. Three ways of calculation of excess rates of return are the mean of the adjustment model , the market index to adjust the model law and the market model .


  21. The clear risk is that politically directed lending creates more overcapacity , poor rates of return and future bad loans for banks .


  22. The rates of return visit of the 30-49-year-old clients were high , the aged < 10 years or ≥ 70 years were lower .


  23. Banks will , in the future , need to pursue clearly delineated business models and not rates of return of 25 per cent and above .


  24. The reason is that annual rates of return for common stocks fluctuate so much that averages taken over short periods are meaningless .


  25. Taxation reduces the incentive to invest as well , because future rates of return on any investment will be reduced by taxes on positive income .


  26. GIC also offered a note of skepticism about global markets , saying it 's'unrealistic'to expect the same rates of return in the future .


  27. But as global demand rebalances , it seems inevitable that at some stage they will demand higher rates of return to offset exchange rate and concentration risk .


  28. However , by the sectors perspective , only three sectors are similar with it . And two sectors ' rates of return showed mainly inverse relationship with monetary policy .


  29. Time deposits offer higher rates of return than most comparable investments because the invested money is " tied up " until the maturity of the time deposit .


  30. Risk management seeks to maximise risk-adjusted rates of return on equity ; often , in the process , underused capital is considered " waste " .
